8 Job Positions at National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) (Deadline: 11th March 2019)
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8 Job Positions at National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) (Deadline: 11th March 2019)

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District | Nyarugenge |
Employment Opportunity
The National Bank of Rwanda’s Vision is “To become a World Class Central Bank” and the Mission is “To Ensure Price Stability and a Sound Financial System”. The Bank Values are:
Integrity. Accountability. Mutual-respect and Team-work. Excellence.
The Bank wishes to encourage all qualified. capable and interested professional candidates to apply for the vacant positions here below and therefore be part of the journey to become a World Class Central Banking Team.
1.1 Principal Economist, Economic Research (2 positions)
Job Summary
Conduct and supervise research activities aimed at informing policy makers and helping NBR to become a World Class Central Bank.
) Key duties and responsibilities
To lead and conduct high-quality. policy-oriented macro and micro-economic
, To supervise research activities and peer-review research articles for publication in BNR Economic Review:
· To prepare and review economic reports:
· To advise on the design and actively participate in the implementation of research policy:
· To actively participate in macroeconomic modelling and forecasting activities:
· To actively participate in the formulation and implementation of the Rwanda Macro economic Framework aimed at determining the medium-term path of the Rwandan economy: and
” To actively participate in the design and implementation of internal and external capacity building programs.
c) Requirements
· A master’s degree in economics with five (5) years· experience. of which one should be post the required qualification. and four (4) peer-reviewed publications in an International, Regional or National Scientific Journal; OR a Doctorate Degree in economics:
· Experience in macro and/or micro-economic analyses; and ” Experience in policy oriented research and analysis.
d) Skills and competencies required
• Strong econometric skills;
” Good command of econometric and statistic software (Eviews, Sta ta. Matlab)
o Personal drive and effectiveness;
~ Ability to deliver through people;
-~ Ability to generate breakthrough solutions:
• Ability to constantly deliver quality and value: e Strong customer focus:
” Strong strategic orientation:
” Effective communication skills:
• Strong work process orientation: and
e Change management and implementation skills. e) Maximum Age: 40 years
Candidates interested in the above vacant positions are required to complete the online application form available on BNR website; www.bnr.rw/careers. The completed BNR Job Application form together with copies of the required degrees. certificates and national identity card should be submitted to:
principaleconomist@bnr.rw for candidates interested in the positions of Principal Economist. Economic Research
· Deadline for Application is 13th March 2019 before 17:00 pm
2.1 Economist, Economic Analysis (1 position)
Job Summary
Conducting economic analysis aimed at informing policy makers and helping NBR to become a world class central bank.
Key duties and responsibilities
· To conduct high-quality. policy-oriented. macro and micro-economic assessments:
· To advise on the design and implementation of economic analysis and research policies;
· To prepare and/or review economic reports:
· To participate in macroeconomic modelling and forecasting activities:
” To actively participate in the formulation and implementation of the Rwanda Macroeconomic Framework aimed at determining the medium-term path of the Rwandan economy; and
” To actively participate in the design and implementation of internal and external capacity
building programs
Education and Experience Requirements
A bachelor’s degree in economics or a master’s degree in economics;
Experience and/or in micro-economic analyses is an added advantage.
Skills and competencies required
” Thorough knowledge and understanding of economic developments in the country and
., Strong econometric/statistic skills:
· Good working knowledge of research and economic analysis techniques;
· Good quantitative. analytical thinking and problem solving skills;
” Ability to facilitate and maintain positive stakeholder relationships:
Good planning and organization skills; and
· Good oral and written communication and interpersonal skills.
Maximum Age: 35 years
Candidates interested in the above vacant positions are required to complete the online application form available on BNR website: www.bnr.rw/careers. The completed BNR Job Application form together with copies of the required degrees. certificates and national identity card should be submitted to:
· economicanalysis@bnr.rw for candidates interested in the position of Economist.
Economic Analysis
· Deadline for Application is 13th, March 2019 before 17:00 pm
3.1 Analyst. Domestic Market operations ( 1 Re-Advertised position}
a) Job Summary
The Analyst. Domestic Market Operations Implementation of monetary policy decisions. liquidity regulation. intervene on money markets. issuing government securities and assisting in money market development
Key duties and _Responsibilities
· Conduct market survey and market intelligence:
· Analyze markets dynamism and predict market behavior and propose the appropriate monetary instruments:
· Contribute to the projection of liquidity conditions in banking system and propose the level of intervention in market in context of inflation targeting:
· Design strategies that can develop interbank market in particular and capital market in
e Contribute to the formulation and implementation of monetary policy:
e Contribute to the issuance and Management of Government Debt Securities: Design strategies that can improve the Financial Market deepening:
., Update the money market regulatory framework with the introduction of new Monetary Policy Instruments in relation to inflation targeting.
c} Requirements
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics or Finance.
· Skills and competencies required
Strong judgement
· Strong quantitative. analytical thinking and problem solving skills., Ability to maintain relationships with key stakeholders
· Good oral and written communication skills
· Demonstrated ability to maintain cohesive teams and to achieve goals through Team work.
e) Maximum Age: 35 years
Candidates interested in the above vacant positions are required to complete the online application form available on BNR website; www.bnr.rw/careers. The completed BNR Job Application form together with copies of the required degrees, certificates and national identity card should be submitted to:
· domesticmarket@bnr.rvv for candidates interested in the position of Analyst.
Domestic Market Operations
· Deadline for Application is 13th March 2019 before 17:00 prn
3.2 Analyst, Reserves Portfolio Management (1 Position)
a. Job Summary
The jobholder will be responsible for managing various Portfolios within the Bank’s Foreign Exchange Reserves guidelines and Policy.
. Key duties and responsibilities
u Making deals related to foreign exchange reserves investment
.. Establishing and implementing portfolio investment strategy to achieve strong performance in different market conditions;
· Gathering, maintaining and analyzing up-to-date market information to gauge the investment environment in different markets and sectors:
e Presenting market updates and portfolio strategy in periodic reports and strategy meetings:
.. Maintaining excellent relations with external counterparts. and promoting the reputation of the Bank in financial markets.
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics or Finance.
Skills and competencies required
· Strong judgement
· Strong quantitative. analytical thinking and problem solving skills
· Ability to maintain relationships with key stakeholders
· Good oral and written communication skills
Demonstrated ability to maintain cohesive teams and to achieve goals through Team work.
Maximum . Age: 35 years
Candidates interested in the above vacant positions are required to complete the online application form available on BNR website: www.bnr.rw/careers. The completed BNR Job Application form together with copies of the required degrees. certificates and national identity card should be submitted to:
~ reservesportfolio@bnr.rw for candidates interested in the position of Analyst.
Reserves Portfolio Management
· Deadline for Application is 13th March 2019 before 17:00 pm
3.3. Analyst. Reserve Risks and Performance (1 Position.)
a.. Job Summary
The jobholder will be responsible for international markets analysis and risk assessment to support investment decisions.
Duties and responsibilities
• Analyze and assess market conditions in various aspects and sectors to guide the Portfolio Managers on alternative investment strategies:
· Build and implements models and tools for tactical and strategic asset allocation, risk allocation and valuation of financial instruments:
· Prepare and presents analytical reports on quantitative strategies and market conditions to assist decision making in portfolio management and asset allocation;
0 Provide analytical support to the Portfolio Managers in relation to risk management. benchmark management. and quantitative strategies:
., Assist in construction and maintenance of benchmarks:
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· Generate performance reports and analyzing each portfolio’s performance against its approved benchmark as well as the overall performance of the portfolio
· Prepares weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports on international markets, performance of portfolio and present outlook for the markets.
) Requirements
Bachelor’s degree in Economics or Statistics.
) Skills and competencies required
· Strong judgement
· Strong quantitative. analytical thinking and problem solving skills 1) Ability to maintain relationships with key stakeholders
• Good oral and written communication skills
c Demonstrated ability to maintain cohesive teams and to achieve goals through Team work.
k) Maximum Age: 35 years
Candidates interested in the above vacant positions are required to complete the online application form available on BNR website: www.bnr.rw/careers. The completed BNR Job Application form together with 1 copies of the required degrees. certificates and national identity card should be submitted to:
-. reserveperformance@bnr.rw for candidates interested in the position of Analyst.
Reserve Risks and Performance
· Deadline for Application is 13th March 2019 before 17:00 pm
4.1 Auditor, Information Systems Audit (1 Re-Advertised position)
a) Job Summary
The jobholder will carry out audit assignments including special assignments in accordance to acceptable professional standards for auditing.
b) Key duties and re5pgnsibilities
· Assist the Senior Auditor ICT Systems Audit in preparation of detailed division’s business plans to be submitted to the Manager;
· Execute audit assignments including special assignments under supervision of team leader;
· Develop and communicate to the Senior Auditor ICT Systems Audit the progress of audit assignments;
· Participate in preparation of comprehensive written reports; and
· Participate in follow up of audit recommendations implementation to ascertain adequacy of corrective actions.
Education and experience requirements
· At least a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Computer Science. Management Information Systems or Business Information Systems.
· Professional Certification such as Certified Information Systems Auditor. Certified
Information Security Manager. Certified Systems Network Auditor or Certified Information Systems Security Professional are an added advantage
Skills and competencies required ePersonal drive and effectiveness:
• Ability to constantly deliver quality and value; ,. Strong customer focus:
o Effective communication skills:
Strong work process orientation: and
• Ability to utilize capacity and resources in an effective manner.
Maximum Age: 35 years
Candidates interested in the above vacant positions are required to complete the online application form available on BNR website www.bnr.rw/careers. The completed BNR Job Application form together with copies of the required degrees. certificates and national identity card should be submitted to:
systemsaudit@bnr.rw for candidates interested in the position of Auditor. Information Systems Audit
” Deadline for Application is 13th March 2019 before 17:00 pm
5.1 Engineer. Maintenance of Machines and Equipment (1 position)
a) Job Summary
The jobholder will be responsible for maintenance of cash processing machines and Bank equipment to ensure the efficient running of the Bank while supporting the policies. goals and objectives of the Bank.
b) Key duties and responsibilities
· Ensure that all Bank Cash processing machines and equipment at BNR are well functioning and well maintained as per the required Maintenance standards;
· Ensure full participation in Bank cash processing machines and equipment designs and specifications preparations:
· Ensure repair and replacement of the Bank cash processing machines. equipment and any other related accessories are properly done:
· ensure that there is a proper. constant and timely maintenance and repair of the Bank’s strong doors. Fresh air supply equipment. ventilation systems and Branch air conditioners;
~ Coordinate and supervise all power related project and plant assembly projects execution. practical completion/ final completion of works executed by Contractors and handover by different suppliers:
” Ensure proper management of cash processing machines and equipment spare parts and servicing contracts (stock in and stock out management) to avoid scarcity of spare and ensure maintenance is done in time; and
” Participate in evaluation of tenders for cash processing machines. electronic equipment. materials and products.
· Requirements
A Bachelor’s degree in electronics Engineering or Information communication technology.
a A professional Certification in maintenance of cash processing machines and electronic equipment or a Diploma in electrical and electronics from technical/vocational schools shall be added advantages.
d) Skills and competencies required
· Personal drive and effectiveness;
· Ability to constantly deliver quality and value;
· Strong customer focus:
· Effective communication skills:
~ Strong work process orientation; and
• Ability to utilise capacity and resources in an effective manner.
e) Maximum Age: 35 years
Candidates interested in the above vacant positions are required to complete the online application form available on BNR website; www.bnr.rw/careers. The completed BNR Job Application form together with copies of the required degrees. certificates and national identity card should be submitted to:
· maintenance@bnr.rw for candidates interested in the position of Engineer.
Maintenance of Machines and Equipment.
Deadline for Application is 13th March 2019 Before 17:00pm
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