Title: Prime Residential Property in Kinyinya Sec Murama: 150 Million RWF (All Documents Available)
FRW 150,000,000
Good Deals, Good Deals, Houses & Apartments for Sale, Land, Real Estate
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Title: Prime Residential Property in Kinyinya Sec Murama: 150 Million RWF (All Documents Available)
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District | Gasabo |
Phone Number | 0788491344 |
0788491344 | |
Commission/Fees | 5% |
Title: Prime Residential Property in Kinyinya Sec Murama: 150 Million RWF (All Documents Available)
Discover an exceptional opportunity to own a desirable piece of real estate in the sought-after area of Kinyinya Sec Murama. This impressive property, priced at 150 million RWF, includes both houses and land, making it a perfect investment for those seeking a residential or commercial development. With all necessary documentation readily accessible, you can proceed confidently with your purchase and unlock the potential of this prime location. Don’t miss out on this incredible offer!
Listing ID: 90464aeb73749b65
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